MacPorts Cheatsheet

port help

show brief info about an action

port selfupdate

update the local ports tree with global MacPorts ports repository

also update MacPorts itself

port sync

only updates ports tree, generally not recommended

port diagnose

check for common issues in environment

port reclaim

reclaim disk space by uninstalling things no longer needed

port list

lists the currently available version of the specific ports

if not ports are specificed, lists all available ports

always lists the most recent version available in MacPorts which may differ from installed

where would use list, installed or echo is better choice

when searching, search is better choice when trying to list ports

find ports by partial match of name or description

--name to limit search to name (by default searches name and description)

--glob is default, --regex is available

--line enable compact output

port info

gets information about a port

port deps

lists the dependencies of port

"Dependencies are the packages are required by a port at runtime (library and runtime dependencies) or required to install it (build, fetch, and extract dependencies)."

port variants

check what variations of a port are available before installing it

port install

install a port

"The installation of a single port consists of multiple phases. These phases are fetch, extract, patch, configure, build, destroot, archive, and finally install. You may break up a port's installation into smaller steps for troubleshooting by using the name of one of these phases as action rather than install."

port notes

display any notes that a port's author included

port clean

deletes intermediate files created by MacPorts while installing a port

port uninstall

remove an installed port

will refuse to uninstall ports needed by other ports

--follow-dependents to recursively uninstall all ports that depend on the given port before uninstalling the port itself

will not uninstall ports that have been automatically installed as dependencies of the uninstalled port and are otherwise unused unless --follow-dependencies is passed

manually installed ports ("requested") or have other dependents will not be removed

can manually uninstall unneeded ports later during using leaves pseudo-port

port contents

list of all files installed by a given port

port installed

display the installed versions and variants of the specified ports

if no ports are specified, all installed ports are displayed

also displays whether port is "active" (are files on disk or stashed away?)

-v for platform and CPU info

port outdated

checks installed ports against current ports tree to see if they have been updated since installation

port upgrade

upgrade installed ports and their deps to latest version

does not uninstall the old version, deactivates instead

port dependents

reports what ports dependent upon a given installed port

port livecheck

check if newer version available on developer's download size

port lint

check if the Portfile conforms to standard

port load

activate the port's launchd services

port unload

deactivate the port's launchd services


dependency relations

Do not confuse 'dependents' and 'dependencies' (or, shortened, 'deps'). Refer to the following example to understand the difference:

portA --> portB

portA depends on portB, i.e., portA needs portB to run. Because of that, portB is a 'dependency' (or 'dep') of portA. After installing portA, portB has been automatically installed. At this point, portA has become a 'dependent' of portB. You can only uninstall portB once all of its dependents (i.e., including portA) have been uninstalled.


Created: 2024-01-26
Last Updated: 2024-01-26

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